
  • Head of Design & UX/UI
  • Diploma of Graphic Design
  • 15+ Years Design Experience

Ben loves when design and functionality come together. He is a logical thinker and his design style reflects that. He loves to create beautiful designs with a results-based focus that drives growth for EDGE partners.


Ben has over 15 years of design experience. He specialises in branding, digital advertising and UX/UI (user experience/web design).

His passion for the industry has led him to work with a wide range of clients from ad agencies and start-ups to fully established businesses and corporate clients. He’s worked with universities and in the tourism, real estate, retail and hospitality industries.

What does Ben's day look like

Ben is the first port of call for anything design at EDGE. As well as managing the department’s day to day, Ben keeps his hands firmly on the tools. He takes a data led approach to designing client web experiences, relying on heat mapping and other analytical tools to get the best results. As well as creating amazing websites and brands, you’ll also find Ben sneaking in his daily Table Tennis session.

What Ben gets up to outside of work

When Ben is not at work he enjoys getting away with his family and friends, camping and four-wheel driving. His favourite place to visit is Fraser Island. He is also a mad keen Table Tennis player, just ask him who the number one player in the office is…

EDGE can help you harness the full potential of digital marketing.

The best place to start is to talk to an Edge Marketing Professional.

Let's get in touch

We're ready for any enquiries you have.

8:30am - 5:00pm